For the Mesa Festival of Creativity next year (March 13- 17, 2013) we want to improve our Urban Landscape, one stitch at a time, and have a Yarn Bombing. We need your help! If you knit or crochet, or have friends and family that do, we invite you to create pieces to be wrapped around trees on our campus in a community art project.
Select from the following knitting patterns: Only bright and vibrant colors with varying patterns of stripes please!
Select from the following knitting patterns: Only bright and vibrant colors with varying patterns of stripes please!
Shadow Walk Trees - 4 feet long by 15”, 20” or 30” wide.
Giant Palm Trees – 6-8 feet long by 40”, 50”, or 60” wide.
Giant Palm Trees – 6-8 feet long by 40”, 50”, or 60” wide.
All knitted items can be dropped off Now – March 1, 2013 at our Box Office at One East Main Street, Mesa, AZ 85201. Questions? Contact Billy Jones at 480-644-6541.